Greyhound Live Baiting: A Cruel Practice Exposed Greyhound racing has long been a popular sport around the world, attracting both spectators and bettors alike. However, behind the excitement and glamour of the race track lies a dark and cruel practice known as greyhound live baiting. Live baiting involves the use of small animals, such as rabbits or possums, being tied to a mechanical lure and used to entice the greyhounds during training sessions. This training tactic aims to enhance the chase instinct of the racing dogs, making them more competitive on the track. The practice of live baiting is not only unethical but also illegal in many countries, including Australia, where the industry has faced significant scrutiny and reforms in recent years. Exposés and undercover investigations have shed light on the widespread use of live baiting within the industry, revealing the shocking mistreatment and exploitation of innocent animals. By subjecting small animals to this barbaric practice, they are exposed to extreme stress, fear, and ultimately, a painful death. Many of these innocent creatures do not survive the ordeal, falling victim to the ruthless jaws of the greyhounds. Those that do survive often suffer severe injuries and trauma. The outcry against greyhound live baiting has been heard around the world, prompting legislative action and public awareness campaigns aimed at eradicating this cruel practice. Animal welfare organizations, such as the RSPCA and Animal Welfare League, have played a crucial role in exposing the reality of live baiting and advocating for stricter regulations within the industry. In response to public pressure, several countries and jurisdictions have implemented strict laws and regulations to prevent and punish those involved in live baiting. These measures include increased surveillance and penalties for offenders, mandatory reporting, and the establishment of special task forces dedicated to investigating and prosecuting animal cruelty cases within the greyhound racing industry. While efforts are being made to eradicate greyhound live baiting, it is essential for individuals to support these initiatives by boycotting the greyhound racing industry and raising awareness within their communities. Choosing not to support this industry sends a powerful message that animal cruelty will not be tolerated. In conclusion, greyhound live baiting is a cruel and inhumane practice that has rightfully garnered global attention and condemnation. By working together, we can continue to push for tougher regulations and enforcement, with the ultimate goal of ending this brutal tradition once and for all. Animals deserve our respect and protection, and it is our responsibility to ensure their welfare where they cannot speak for themselves.